Hope For Youth

Drama, Drama, Drama!!!!

The Buzz in Brentwood is all about one youth making major strides in the Drama Club.  This 16-year-old  —  who entered our Community Reinvestment Program in September 2014 — has been making great strides in recovery.  In addition to successfully passing all his drug tests (always negative!) he is attending academic classes regularly. 


This teen’s passion for drama has blossomed with the motivation of those closest in his life (his caseworker, therapist and mother.) All those who care for him have encouraged him to pursue his love of the arts.  Best of all, our young thespian has taken on the role of mentor to other kids interested in drama!


Help us send him good-luck wishes for his upcoming performance in a Master’s Level Competition in the Poetry Category.  The HOPE is for him to be seen by talent scouts!  Hope For Youth is so proud of our staff and this youth as this story is proof that our programs help at-risk kids. 

Help Us Welcome New Faces

Hope For Youth is pleased the announce additions to our staff.


Kim (pictured), who was previously an intern at Hope For Youth, is now part of our Suffolk County Community Reinvestment Program. Congratulations on a job well-earned!


We would also like to welcome our new interns from the Schools of Social Work at Stony Brook and Adelphi Universities.  We are looking forward to partnering with our new interns in creating an educational experience and fulfilling year for all of us!


Feel free to post a welcome message to our new folks on our Facebook timeline… www.facebook.com/HFYNY