Success Stories

We love to hear news like the following!! A male youth residing at our at Seaford rsidence graduated from High School this past June with his Advanced Regents Diploma. He was in residence from October 2020 through June 2021 and was able to be discharged four months early due to completing the Seaford Program as well as completing his high school curriculum. He is now at home with his family and will be attending classes at Suffolk Community College in the fall to begin studies, hoping to eventually earn a degree in Architecture. Awesome!
We are delighted to share that two therapeutic foster youth were adopted! Brianna was adopted on 4/22/21 and Jaden on 8/3/21. Both youth now have their forever homes and we are so hapy for them. Two young women graduated from high school; Moneike graduated and Deanna, who will be attending art school. And last, but certainly not least, Bradley became a US Citizen. Way to go Bradley! Congratulations to All!
Wondrful News: Residential youth, Victoria, has graduated high school and has now registered for classes, furthering her education at Suffolk Community College! Congrats, Victoria! We love a story with a good ending! Here is one regarding a Shelter youth, Harriet, who arrived at our door within the past year having left home and an unbearable situation with her father. While in our care, with the assistance of staff, she secured space at a long-term shelter program, pursued job interviews and eventually moved into the other Shelter. More recently Harriet has moved out of that Shelter and has secured a room rental of her own. She is working at a local Home Depot and is happy to be supporting herself.
Alex, Foster Care
“Thanks to Hope For Youth’s dedicated and hard working social worker, Frank Jaronczyk I have the opportunity to live a comfortable life.” Watch Video
John Moore, Alumni
“Hope For Youth has been a stepping stone to reaching my goals and overcoming obstacles that have been challenging in my life.” Watch Video
Carol Clousen, Foster & Adoptive Parent
“Hope For Youth is consistent and supportive. They have been there for me and the children every step of the way. When things get tough they are a shoulder to lean on.” Watch Video
The Braswells, Foster & Adoptive Parents
“Hope For Youth has given us the chance to add love, comfort, and stability to these children. We are grateful for the passionate staff that truly believes in the children.” Watch Video
Ariel, Youth Shelter Resident
“After my fist night at the shelter I knew all my troubles and issues would be worked out and if not they would get better.” Read More
Matt, Parent
“When our teenage son got in trouble we were immediately placed in an unfamiliar world.” Read More
Niko, Foster Care
Hello everyone my name is Niko. I had spent quite some time in foster care in my past. Now I am here in front of you all tonight to tell my story. Read More