PINS Diversion Program
A child under the age of 18 who does not attend school, or behaves in a way that is dangerous or out of control, or often disobeys his or her parents, guardians or other authorities, may be found to be a Person In Need of Supervision or “PINS”. The Nassau County PINS (Person In Need of Supervision) Diversion program is designed to divert youth who are at risk, from PINS petitions that require court involvement. PINS Diversion services families with children up to the age of 18 in Nassau County.
Families that apply for diversion services have issues including but not limited to school truancy, gang involvement, runaway behaviors, mental health and substance abuse issues.
The PINS diversion program provides short term intensive in-home, family-centered interventions with an overarching goal that will prevent out of home placements, teach problem solving skills to the families, and linkage to a community-based system of care.
A unique component to the diversion program is the incorporation of Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT). MDFT is an evidence based program designed to meet the needs of youth struggling with mental health and substance abuse issues.
To make a referral for PINS Diversion please contact Nassau Department of Social Services at
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