Hope For Youth Gives Back

On July 24th, Hope For Youth staff, volunteers and youth, volunteered their time and sorted books at the warehouse of local nonprofit, The Book Fairies. 2019 is the 50th Anniversary of Hope For Youth and each month this year, we have planned a significant event or program, in celebration. July was our month to “give back” to the community. The Book Fairies is an amazing nonprofit that provides access to books, to students in high-need school districts via Community Book Fairs, School Book Fairs and a summer program titled Summer Totes.

It was our pleasure to volunteer with this organization as they have been a community partner for years, providing our youth with reading material, fostering literacy. And the added bonus, our youth volunteers were invited to take as many books for themselves as they wanted! #fortheloveofreading #ittakesavillage #50thanniversary #thebookfairies