Hope For The Holidays
It’s that time of year once again, winter is here and the holidays are right around the corner. It is also that time of year when we ask of our Hope For Youth community, holiday charitable donations for our youth. A little extra love is needed during the holidays for most of our youth! We would like to share with you our Amazon wish lists which have items for all ages, at various price points. Your donation to Hope For Youth goes a long way in making the difference in a child’s holiday.
This is the link: http://a.co/9G05RHt Here on our Amazon page you will find two list links, on the right-hand side of page. A general youth wish list and a wish list specifically for our Shelter youth. Please consider making a donation and playing a role in a child’s holiday happiness.
If you have any questions about donations or the Amazon wish lists, please call 631-782-6574 or email tparchment@hfyny.org. Items can be shipped directly to Hope For Youth or dropped off to: 201 Dixon Ave. Amityville, NY 11701.