HFY’s Newest Collaboration
Hope For Youth & the Suffolk County Department of Social Services, Family and Children’s Division, have partnered with the Redlich Horowitz Foundation to acquire software that will streamline the process of recruiting, licensing, and training foster parents in Suffolk County. The acquisition of software is only one step in our continued partnership to increase the volume of therapeutic, kinship and regular foster care homes in the county. With this partnership we can EXPAND OUR CAPACITY TOGETHER in 2021 and ensure all youth have a HOME by 21 years old.
If you would like to learn about Hope For Youth’s therapeutic foster care program, please consider attending one of our ZOOM orientations. We are in great need of new families to join our foster care team. An inquiry can be made through our website, and a staff member will contact you.
You can also contact the program via staff member, Margarita at malarcon@hfyny.org, or call 631-782-6516