Hope For Youth

Family Ties Sibling Group Home

Hope For Youth’s Family Ties Program provides a safe and supportive environment designed to keep large sibling groups together following a removal from their family home by Child Protective Services. Family Ties and County staff work collaboratively towards identifying the children’s immediate needs and work toward reunification goals with biological parents or relatives, if appropriate.

About the Program

The Hope For Youth Family Ties Program can accommodate up to 7 children generally between the ages of 6 months and 18 years at time of intake. The Program provides daily transportation to and from the home school district in order to maintain as much continuity as possible during this initial placement following CPS removal, which is often a new and traumatic experience for children. The goals of the Family Ties Program include:

  • Minimizing the psychological stress experienced by Child Protective Services (CPS) removal
  • Implementing early and intensive intervention
  • Providing a nurturing and safe environment for care
  • Preserving continuity in the children’s lives
  • Decreasing the length of stay in foster care
  • Facilitating visitation and family reunification when appropriate.


Children eligible for the Family Ties Program include:

  • Siblings referred by Nassau or Suffolk County DSS at time of CPS removal
  • Sibling groups in foster care following a placement disruption
  • Sibling groups not in the custody of DSS but referred by DSS as preventive respite
  • Sibling groups referred through the Nassau or Suffolk County Crisis Respite Bed Network
  • Single children (ages 12 and under) referred by Nassau or Suffolk DSS or the Nassau or Suffolk County Crisis Respite Bed Network

Expert Staff & Superior Care

Hope For Youth’s Family Ties Program offers expert and superior care for the mental, physical and emotional well-being of the children and adolescents who enter the Program. Our team includes:

  • On-site Licensed Master’s Level Social Worker
  • Specially Trained Child Care Workers
  • Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
  • Licensed Clinical Psychologist
  • Board Certified Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists

Care Coordination

Nassau or Suffolk County Departments of Social Services (DSS) typically refer sibling groups to the Hope For Youth Family Ties Program at the time of CPS removal from the home. It is our aim to keep siblings together throughout the removal process and to work hand-in-hand with social services to provide the best care possible for the children and adolescents.

Initial Review

An initial review is conducted within the first 48 hours of intake if possible and is a coordinated effort by the Family Ties social worker, CPS/DSS worker and parents or family members (if appropriate and as per County regulations). This review establishes a care plan suited to meet the children’s immediate needs.

Medical Evaluation & Mental Health Screening

Children under the age of 3 receive a comprehensive medical exam by Hope For Youth’s pediatric nurse practitioner or a consulting medical provider within the first 12 hours of intake. All other youth receive an intake medical examination within 72 hours of intake.

Children referred by DSS who are 5 years and older are screened by our agency clinical psychologist and clinical recommendations are provided.

For DSS placements, a final review is completed and submitted to the referral source within 21 days. This final review package includes psychological screening with clinical recommendations, medical examination findings, psychosocial information, overall adjustment, visitation summary and educational status.

Daily Monitoring

Hope For Youth’s Family Ties Program is staffed with an on-site LMSW level program manager, assistant program manager and specially trained child care staff, including both male and female overnight awake staff.

Continuity Care

To preserve continuity for the children, schooling within their home district continues with transportation provided by Hope For Youth. In addition, supervised on-site parental visitation can be facilitated immediately at the directive of CPS/DSS.

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