Corporate Matching
Did you know; many corporate employers offer their employees the opportunity to have their charitable contributions matched. This type of philanthropy, corporate matching, provides the opportunity for an individual to have their donation amount doubled!
Many companies not only encourage their employees to give monetarily or to volunteer time at nonprofits in their communities, but will also match those efforts with dollars and other means of support. Workplace giving contributes an estimated $5 billion to U.S. charities annually. According to Charity Navigator, giving has increased in current dollars every year since 1977, with the exception of only three years that saw declines: 1987, 2008 and 2009.
If you would like to learn more about how you and your employer can make a difference here on Long Island, please contact or 631-782-6574. We’d love to share with you the good your charitable donations can do, and how you can play a role in furthering Hope For Youth’s mission.