Foster Care Month
This #FosterCareMonth, please take a moment to learn about becoming a foster parent at HFY! Because #KidsCantWait
Have you ever thought about opening your home to children or adolescents who needs guidance, stability, acceptance and love? Please email the Hope For Youth home finder Margarita to learn about upcoming foster parent orientations and take the first steps to helping a youth on Long Island.
Carol Clousen, Foster & Adoptive Parent
Watch Carol & Charlie – A HFY Adoption Story
Becoming a Family
Carol Clousen knew from the moment she met Charlie that she wanted to adopt him. For Carol, she knew there was something special about Charlie and couldn’t wait for him to become a part of her family. Once Charlie found out about the adoption, he was the one who chose to take Carol’s last name. He was ecstatic to take the last name, as Charlie recalls he took the name because “it’s his special name”. Adoption day was very special for the Clousen’s, they were very happy and excited to become a family, it was so special that News 12 was even there to document it. Carol describes Charlie as a very lovable, kind and considerate boy. Carol recalls when Charlie helped take care of her when she was ill and tended to her like a doctor.
The adoption is very significant for Carol’s family. All of her family has rallied around her and accepted Charlie as one of their own. Carol has family across the world including Canada and Jamaica, this summer the family is taking a trip to England to reunite with their loved ones and so Charlie can meet his extended family. Needless to say, the family cannot wait to meet Charlie.
It Wasn’t All Easy
Charlie has influenced the lives of many people including his caseworker Frank Jaronzyck. “There is never a dull moment with Charlie” as Frank recalls. Frank remembers times when Charlie has gone out of his way at to tell someone who was smoking a cigarette that it was bad for him. “Charlie was difficult to mange at first” says Frank, Charlies, case worker. But with Carol’s love, affection and care Charlie developed into a calmer, more independent and responsive child. “She did a remarkable job with him” says Frank. Carol has been working with kids with special needs for over 30 years she is an advocate for youth with special needs in foster care. Both Frank and Irma Edington, Director of Foster Care, state that Carol treats each child in her home as an individual. “She treats Charlie as a regular little boy” says Irma.
“Ms. Clousen has a very special way about her”, says Irma. One special aspect of the adoption is that Carol opened her heart to Charlie’s birth mother. She continued to connect with the birth mother on phone calls and visits even after the adoption took place. Irma describes Carol as nurturing and caring. Even in an incident when Charlie banged his lip and needed to get stiches, Carol did not want to be thanked for being a mother in the situation- she said “ Irma don’t thank me, this is my son I will do whatever I have to do to take care of my son”. Both Irma and Frank are confident and pleased that Charlie is in a loving and caring home.